The Carso Territory with many faces. From war outpost to cradle for bears and dinosaurs

Too often we take our freedom for granted, but it wasn't always the case. The last century has taught us that this can be easily repressed, violated and betrayed. But we must not confuse freedom with the conviction that everything is granted, freedom is much closer to a gift and like every gift we must know how to welcome it and consequently protect and defend.

My journey begins from the mouth of the Isonzo, a journey that will make me cross the Karst following the border that divides us with Slovenia, a border along the course of history. A story that aspect usurped the freedom of peoples.
Friuli Venezia Giulia nature reserve of the Foci of the Soča is one of the most fascinating environmental oases that I have ever crossed during my walks. It was born from the meeting of the river waters with those of the Adriatic Sea.
Soča has always represented a border from a natural point of view, for all those migratory species that find here a real island of refreshment before making the big leap towards the southern regions, it is from a political point of view . In fact it runs for 40 kilometers in the national territory from Gorizia to the sea but for 100 kilometers from the sources in Slovenian territory. It is also so from a geological point of view, in fact large karst plateaus here give way to the immense river plains. Here the fresh water meets the salt one creating a brackish swamp. The historical aspect on the Isonzo should not be forgotten during the First World War, very important and fierce battles were fought precisely because of a border issue.
“As this stone of San Michele so cold so hard so dried up so refractory so totally lifeless, as this stone is my cry that cannot be seen. Death is discounted by living "says the poem I am a creature of Giuseppe Ungaretti, one of the most important poets of the twentieth century, who here on Monte San Michele del Carso lived a year of his life between 1915 and 1916 fighting in these trenches, he saw his friends, fellow soldiers, comrades in arms die.


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