
La longevità in Sardegna: uno studio artistico-sociologico offerto dagli scatti fotografici di Karsten Thormaehlen

di Federico Rossetti   Karsten Thormaehlen è un fotografo tedesco che, dal 2006, studia e ritrae i centenari per un suo interessante progetto. Le immagini risultanti vengono esposte in tutto il mondo e sono state pubblicate in tre volumi illustrati:  Century man – Uomo centenario (Francoforte sul Meno, 2008); Happy at Hundred – Felice a […]

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L’arte di Ferro e Arcuri fra reale e purezza estetica

di LuigiPolillo*   Toni Ferro (Napoli, 1936 – Catanzaro, 2004), personaggio poliedrico della scena artistica italiana, è stato autore di scritti e promotore di eventi socio-culturali nazionali e internazionali secondo l’ideale libertario. Ha attraversato, da Esploratore Poetico, la complessa mappa dell’Arte, della Cultura, e della Politica del XX secolo. La sua arte rimandava al gesto, […]

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Vent’anni di Wikipedia, passato e presente di un prodotto vincente

di Antonino Salvatore Cutrì*     Quando Jimmy Wales fondò Wikipedia assieme a Larry Sanger il suo intento era quello di fornire, cito testuali parole, “un accesso gratuito a tutta la conoscenza umana”: una mission e una visione uniche nell’internet dei primi anni del ventunesimo secolo. Era infatti il 15 gennaio del 2001 quando fu […]

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PNRR on the side of women! 5 priorities: work, competence, income, time and power

The election of the Head of State has recently ended and all…

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LANDSCAPERS Murderers on the border between reality and fiction

Landscapers – An almost Perfect Crime is the free reconstruction of real events, that is the dramatic story of the spouses Susan and Christopher Edwards, who in England, in 1998 , killed her parents, hid the corpses…

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”History is the key to understanding Sicily, even more necessary than to understand any other human community”, wrote the Sicilian writer Leonardo Sciascia. If there is a catalyst for many historical…

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Bandar Seri Bagawan

Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital of Brunei, a small state on the island of Borneo, overlooking the South China Sea and bordering Malaysia. An absolute Islamic monarchy, a Sultanate. Brunei is an enormously rich state: since 1929, the year of the discovery of oil and natural gas fields, its wealth has continued to increase. […]

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Ischia, the Island of dialogue

Islands are meeting places for those who, while sailing, land there from different directions. Throughout history these have often been painful contacts, which have led to wars, destruction and oppression. Other times the events have been lucky and have given well-being, beauty and prosperity.

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The Neapolitan Festival is the forerunner of the Sanremo Festival

It is certain that everyone thinks that the first Italian song festival is Sanremo! But in reality, this event owes its birth to Naples and the Neapolitans; it could not be otherwise given that the Italian song itself was born from the Neapolitan song. Indeed, with the poster in hand, it is possible to document […]

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The art of handing down the art

Rome the eternal city. The sixties were characterized by artistic irruptions of new movements, new artists, new schools, overturning a scenario addicted to classicism and consolidated. Scuola di Piazza…

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