Antonio Saladino The architecture of the mind and ancient time

Antonio Saladino, ceramist, sculptor and painter, (1950 Lamezia Terme Cz), founding member of the Lametina Archaeological Association, subsequently of Magazzini Voltaire (1986) and of the Angelo Savelli Contemporary Art Center in Lamezia Terme (1993), his is a commitment constant in society and above all in the territory to which it belongs.
His artistic evolution took place between the 70s and 80s, years that constituted for him an intense moment of experimentation and artistic growth. There are countless collective and personal exhibitions on a national level; we recall the most recent, the exhibition hosted in 2020 at MACA (Museo Arte Contemporanea Acri), Contemporary Artifacts at MARCA in Catanzaro in 2018, Shalom, Israeli and international art, Milt Museum in Turin in 2018, the traveling exhibition Panorama Italia Museo MAM di Cosenza and many others.
The Master is recognized as, one of the most refined and cultured interpreters of Magna Graecia classicism naturally from a contemporary point of view, his sculptures interact in society, emerge in the thoughts and meanders of a past time, of a veiled memory and a poetic today. lost.
The sculptural production of the "Bearers" represent a moment of identity reflection on the essence of man and a reflection on today's society, emerges from every single sculpture, a metaphorical act of "giving", perhaps, a light to a post-modern condition now clouded by an abstract real existence. Her sculptures are mothers, heroines and women of the myth, they tell through the material and the reinterpretation of objects, of how in Magna Graecia women lived, loved and dreamed, all seen however through the eyes of a man or perhaps a child. , where architecture and the memory of his mind act as a ruler.


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