Page 15 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 11
P. 15

years ago, we could never have bought   The greatest damage caused by our food   produced by the high density of animals
               with so easy. Added to this is also the   choices on the environment, however,   in the pastures makes the land sterile for
               “distortions” of the market. Yesterday, I   derives mainly from other factors. First   many years. Other polluting activities in
               wanted to buy lemons in the supermar-  of all the agricultural cultivation that has   the production of food of animal origin
               ket. I go to the fruit and vegetable counter   been  transformed,  preferring  quantity   are the production, processing and tran-
               and find them. Provenance: Argentina. I   over quality at all costs, in order to sell at   sport of vegetables to feed the animals.
               am very surprised because I live in Italy   bargain prices and destroy the competi-  To all this we must also add an aspect, so
               and also in the South. Now I don’t even   tion that does not adapt. Obviously this   to speak, social. In order to produce soy
               want to question the quality, taste and   result is achieved only through the use   and cereals to feed the animals, which in
               smell of Argentine lemons, but let’s ask   of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that   turn will become direct and / or indirect
               ourselves how much it costs us in terms   poison what we eat, the soil and groun-  foods of Western man, fertile soils are
               of CO2 production, transporting tho-  dwater. Another important element is   used which until a few years ago were the
               se lemons to Italy. And lemons are no   intensive farming. Thousands of animals   only resource for producing food for the
               exception, far from it. There are many   crammed into small  spaces for greater   poor people of various underdeveloped
               foods that, despite being produced also in   profits and fed with unnatural feeds. The   countries. It is the new colonization that
               Italy, arrive on our tables from the other   land destined for cattle breeding now   defends those lands also with arms and
               end of the world. Furthermore we should   exceeds 30% of land that is not covered   mercenary armies in order to keep the
               consider the amount of pesticides and   by ice. This percentage is constantly   desperate and hungry natives away and
               chemical residues present on products   growing and is the main cause of defo-  is the cause of thousands of deaths, espe-
               sold to consumers, often detecting enor-  restation, yes because  the main  reason   cially among children. In conclusion, let
               mous irregularities and use of products   for deforestation is not (like the tale they   us know what is behind our food choices
               that are prohibited in Europe, but espe-  tell us) the production of paper and tim-  and how these can affect the delicate ba-
               cially in Italy. All this still to the detri-  ber, but the search for new pastures and   lance of the earth’s ecosystem.
               ment of the Earth, as well as of our health.   new fertile lands, because the trampling

             il metano causa un effetto serra   per così dire, sociale. Pur di pro-  le terre anche con le armi e con
             addirittura di 25 volte maggiore   durre soia e cereali per nutrire   gli eserciti di mercenari pur di
             rispetto alla CO2. Oggi il metano   gli animali, che a loro volta di-  tenere  lontani  gli  indigeni  di-
             è sempre più sotto la lente d’in-  venteranno alimenti diretti e/o   sperati ed affamati ed è causa
             grandimento  proprio  perché  in   indiretti  dell’uomo  occidentale,   di migliaia di morti soprattutto
             enorme aumento nell’atmosfera
             e la principale causa è proprio
             dovuta agli allevamenti di ani-
             mali.  Altre attività  inquinanti
             della produzione di cibo di origi-
             ne animale sono la produzione,
             la trasformazione ed il trasporto
             dei  vegetali  per  alimentare  gli
             animali.  La  FAO,  nella  relazio-
             ne  “Livestock’s  long  shadow”
             del 29 novembre 2006, sostiene
             che l’allevamento di bestiame
             produce circa il 9% di biossido
             di carbonio, ma è anche respon-
             sabile dell’emissione di altri gas
             serra come il 35-40% di metano
             ed il 65% di ossido di azoto (che
             influisce sul riscaldamento glo-
             bale  circa  300  volte  di  più  del
             CO2). Il cibo di origine animale,
             in  totale,  produce  emissioni  di
             gas  serra  pari  a  circa  il  18%  di
             tutte quelle prodotte dall’uomo.
             Questa percentuale può essere    si utilizzano terreni fertili che   tra  i  bambini.  In  conclusione,
             paragonata  alle  emissioni  do-  fino a pochi anni fa erano l’uni-  proviamo ad informarci su cosa
             vute all’industria ed è maggiore   ca risorsa per produrre alimenti   ci sia dietro le nostre scelte ali-
             di quelle dell’intero settore dei   per la povera gente di vari paesi   mentari e come queste possano
             trasporti.  A  tutto  ciò  bisogna   sottosviluppati.  È la nuova co-  influire  sull’equilibrio delicato
             aggiungere  anche  un  aspetto,   lonizzazione che difende quel-  dell’ecosistema terrestre.

                                                                                     Mediterraneo e dintorni - 13
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