Page 10 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 15
P. 10

bocco Punta Tufano and the Trabocco
                Sasso della Cajana take us to Contra-
                da  Vallevò  on  the  outskirts  of  Fos-  Trabocco Punta Torre
                sacesia. With the Trabocco of Punta                                            Trabocco Spezza Catena
                Isolata,  Punta  Torre,  Spezzacatena
                and Punta Cavalluccio, the territory
                of Rocca San Giovanni ends followed
                by the characteristic trabocchi of the
                territory of Fossacesia which are the
                Trabocco  Pesce  Palombo  and  the
                Trabocco Punta Punciosa, used as re-
                staurants to promote tourism.
                In the municipal area of Vasto, pre-
                cisely in the natural reserve  Punta
                Aderci where the eponymous traboc-
                co  is  located,  we  arrive  at  the  final
                stretch of the coast: here the Trabocco
                Canal  insists. Punta Aderci occupies
                an area of 285 hectares, entirely in-
                cluded in the municipality of Vasto:
                it extends along the Adriatic coast to
                the north of the port of Vasto, up to
                the mouth of the Sinello river, where
                it is possible to meet the only deciduo-
                us forest of the reserve. Off the reserve                         Trabocco Punta Aderci
                there is never a lack of dolphins and
                other marine species typical  of  the
                Adriatic Sea, but the symbol of the
                reserve is indistinctly the little Ken-
                tish plover, which has chosen Punta
                Aderci to lay its eggs. Most of  the
                trabocchi today are also used as re-
                staurants that, of course, offer typi-  bocco Punta Punciosa, adibiti a
                cal local dishes and above all freshly
                caught fish. An experience not to be   ristoranti per favorire il turismo.
                missed! The coast offers, therefore, a   Nel territorio comunale di Vasto,
                landscape beauty enriched by equip-  precisamente nella riserva natu-
                ped beaches and its hinterland made   rale Punta Aderci dove si trova
                up of interesting millenary villages.   l’omonimo trabocco, arriviamo
                The capital, Chieti, is rich in histori-
                cal evidence since it is one of the ol-  al  tratto  finale  della  costa:  qui
                dest Italian centers; fully part of the   insiste il trabocco Canale. Pun-
                city of art thanks to its Roman amphi-  ta Aderci occupa un’area di 285
                theater dating back to the 1st century   ettari, compresi interamente nel
                AD; to the Marruccino theater, a true   comune di Vasto:  si  estende lun-
                architectural gem of the nineteenth   go la costa adriatica a Nord del
                century; to the millenary Cathedral
                of San Giustino, with its ancient fre-  porto di Vasto, fino ad arrivare
                scoes; to park of Villa Frigerj, which   alla foce del fiume Sinello, dove
                offers a neoclassical garden with a   è possibile incontrare l’unico bo-
                panoramic view of the Majella.  Do   sco di latifoglie della riserva. Al
                not miss the National Archaeological   largo della riserva non mancano
                Museum of Abruzzo and the Archae-
                ological Museum “La Civitella”.  mai i delfini e altre specie marine
                                                 tipiche del mar Adriatico ma il

                Mediterraneo e dintorni - 8
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