Page 9 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 14
P. 9

ché è assolutamente eccezionale,
            è fuori di ogni esperienza normale
            di umana convivenza […]  Ustica
            è molto più graziosa di come ap-
            paia dalle cartoline illustrate […]:
            è una cittadina di tipo saraceno,
            pittoresca e piena di colore».
            Nel 1961 col venir meno del suo
            utilizzo a fini penitenziari, l’isola
            rifiorì sotto il profilo turistico ed
            economico. Da allora, si è votata
            a divenire una delle massime at-
            trazioni  subacquee  del  Mediter-  ph Giovanni Laganà

            Si parte con il traghetto                                                                       Disegni Catia Sardella

            Aperitivo al RED con vista su Faro Punta Cavazzi e Torre Punta Spalmatore

            Cala Sidoti, le mie compagne di sketchers: Valeria, Rossana, Francesca e Giovanna

               lived there for forty-four days. To soften   cen type, picturesque and full of color ».   with the ownership of the International
               the  humiliating  condition  of  exile  was   In 1961 with the end of its use for peni-  Review  of  Underwater  Activities  and
               the marvelous landscape of the island of   tentiary purposes, the island flourished   with the establishment of the Submerged
               which he writes: “It is impossible to ima-  again from a tourist and economic point   Heritage Observatory. With a polygonal
               gine  life  in  Ustica,  the  environment  of   of view. Since then, it has devoted itself to   layout, its surface includes 8.24 sq km
               Ustica, because it is absolutely exceptio-  becoming one of the Mediterranean’s top   with a perimeter of about 16 km; it is au-
               nal, it is outside any normal experience of   underwater attractions with the recogni-  stere and primitive, without beaches with
               human coexistence [ ...] Ustica is much   tion of the First Italian Protected Marine   rocky and jagged ridges, its peaks reach
               prettier than it looks from the illustrated   Reserve since 1986. This peculiarity has   a maximum height of 248 m from sea le-
               postcards [...]: it is a town of the Sara-  been  formalized  and  internationalized   vel, therefore its viability is divided into

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