Page 8 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - nr 14
P. 8

UStiCa.                         which the color of its coast is identified.   ti e criminali.  Nel ventennio fa-
                SMaLL, BLaCk, aMaZiNG           However the settlements on the island   scista, per ospitare i confinati del
                                                were  earlier  than  the  Roman  era,  and   regime, l’isola fu utilizzata quale
                   ocated  north  of  Palermo,  thirty-fi-  there  are  many  archaeological  remains
                Lve  miles  from  the  coast,  Ustica  is   from the prehistoric era dating back to the   carcere a cielo aperto e annoverò
                certainly one of the small pearls of that   Middle Bronze Age. Its recent history,   tra i detenuti  Antonio Gramsci,
                casket called Sicily. Today with the archi-  experienced  periods  of  neglect  such  as   figura di spicco del pensiero po-
                pelagos of the Egadi, Aeolian, Pelagian   the moment that saw it as a place of con-  litico italiano, che vi dimorò per
                and other smaller islands, it is one of the   finement for dissidents and criminals. In   quarantaquattro giorni.  Ad ad-
                most  interesting  centers  of  tourist  at-  the Fascist period, to house the regime’s   dolcire l’umiliante condizione di
                traction in the Mediterranean, connected   confinements, the island was used as an
                by hydrofoil and ferry. The name is linked   open-air prison and included among the   esiliato fu il meraviglioso paesag-
                to its volcanic origin and handed down   prisoners  Antonio  Gramsci,  a  leading   gio dell’isola di cui egli scrive: «È
                from  the  Latin  ustum  (burned)  with   figure in Italian political thought, who   impossibile immaginare la vita di
                                                                                   Ustica, l’ambiente di Ustica, per-

                                                                                                              ph Valeria di Chiara

                Mediterraneo e dintorni - 6                 ph Giovanni Laganà  ph Giovanni Laganà
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