Page 6 - Mediterraneo e dintorni - 4-2020
P. 6

Anno 3 - N. 22 -  aprile 2020
                Proprietà della testata, ideazione e
                progetto editoriale di Emanuele Bertucci
                Autorizzazione Tribunale di Catanzaro
                n. 2 del 29/05/2018

                di Emanuele Bertucci

                Via L. della Valle, 19 - 88100 Catanzaro

                                                                                iN CoPertiNa:
                DIRETTORE RESPONSABILE                                          Raffaello Sanzio, Autoritratto,
                Fabio Lagonia                                                   1504-1506, olio su tavola,
                                    33 x 47.5 cm, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze

                Il Segno di Barbara Rotundo
                                                      Throughout 2020, a red rose will be placed on the tomb of Raffaello at the
                                                      Pantheon in Rome to celebrate the five hundred years since his death and
                TRADUZIONI                        indicate the place where - by his own will - the remains are kept. If 2019 was
                A cura della redazione
                                                  the year of the great Leonardo, this current is dedicated, therefore, to the master
                                                  from Urbino, who died at just 37 on April 6, 1520. But, mind you, it is not his
                PUBBLICITÀ                        early departure from this world to having made him a myth, as much as his
                                                  being a skilled artist and extraordinarily capable of speaking directly to anyone
                                                  who observes his magnificent works, now housed in museums all over the world.
                                                  This immediacy of language goes hand in hand with the beauty of his icastic
                Publidema Eventi e Comunicazione
                 trait of “divine painter” in which he aligns the sense of grace that expresses
                       the aspiration to harmony that is typical in Humanism and Renaissance: in
                                                  this sense, he does not he was an innovator or revolutionary but a brilliant and
                                                  superb son of his time oriented towards beauty. It is no coincidence that it is
        customary to affirm or hear “beautiful as a Madonna by Raffaello” to assert, in
            fact, a timeless and universal artistic taste, which the cardinal and humanist
                                                  Pietro Bembo wanted to pay homage to with these words engraved on the
                                                  artist’s tomb : “Here lies Raffaello from whom, while he
                REDAZIONE DI ROMA
                Viale Cesare Pavese 135           was alive, Nature feared to be defeated and, when he
                00144 Roma                        died, she feared that she too would die.”
                Abbonamento annuale € 42,00
                Sostenitore annuale € 100,00
                Industrie Grafiche Guido srl
                Via Orazio Antinori, 42
                87036 Rende (CS)

                Il periodico “Mediterraneo e dintorni” non riceve
                alcuna sovvenzione pubblica. Le collaborazioni
                sono da intendersi libere, occasionali e gratuite.
                Foto e testi inviati in redazione, anche se non
                utilizzati, non verranno restituiti.
                L’editore ha ricercato con ogni mezzo i titolari dei
                diritti fotografici senza riuscire a reperirli.
                È ovviamente a piena disposizione per assolvere
                quanto dovuto nei loro confronti.

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